The art and paintings I create covers lots of time and space to activate human consciousness. My art has intense decorated attractive characters that are psychedelic and overjoyed to have a little chuckle reflecting off of our man made world and the capitalistic spectacles at work. The images are child-like, funny with “jump for joys”, not sterile, morbid or serious. Art is being changed and challenged the most now by human evolution and our relationships with it. If you witness how people interact with art. Art gazers now are in a mass media entertainment mindset. Post modernism, electronic screen hyperrealities have made people expect instant stimulation and sensationalism at a fast speed, or self gratification, like consuming from the art. To get the art fix. Self importance rides with the value and importance that can be created in these phenomenal art pieces and historical recognition games that are sticking to them. Meanings of art are so vast bouncing off other meanings, and are based by the spectators senses and absorbing interpretations. There is a slight dilemma now in how to have fun in this comic cyber mass media constantly changing information hyperreality parade.
If I could I would create art that would make people feel like they were riding their first brand new bike or big wheel. Art to create feelings or moods like gifts of real pleasure, like coping mechanisms in this wild existence. The gooey paintings are like looking at a hallucination so the spectators can feel like they are in a transcendental multidimensional state of mind—to reach past the physical. I enjoy making extremely concentrated over stimulating paintings to relate with our digital fast day and age.
The meaning in the paintings is universal with many different perspectives. All art is a tool to get people to have an experience. This means art can consist of anything experiential from candy, drugs, sex, orgasms, cult rituals, too pure laughter. One of my interests is to reflect the comic behaviour of the human race. The truth to be found in the mask, the human comedy and the clown is so pure in depicting the present human condition it is startling. Especially in relation to humanity, politics, economics and human evolution.
Art is communication, language formations of energy, ideas and images. These can be perceived and translated from so many different angles. I think an Artist is a conductor who plays around with semantics and transmits these creations out to people. How people concentrate in today’s day and age is changing with the internet. I think that human perception has changed to constant desires with pre-idealized judgments and no complete satisfaction of psychological needs. Baudrillard and Derrida show us ways to dissect language and cultural constructs. Status, value and worth and everything can dissolve into these theories which have an immense connection to art. I enjoy Jean Baudrillard's view that art and reality are now oozing into a universal Simulacrum in a Hyper way.
One of my primary inspiration is the artist Mike Kelly and his analysis of the human psyche and oppressed memories and their relationship with art. Mike Kelly described how humans can compartmentalise and turn anything into a fetish. Apropos this semiotics are really fascinating in terms of the way it shows how relationships of symbols create so many different realisations. I love how most artwork is based on relationships, interactions or comparisons of different images or ideas in different contexts. There is definite power in dualities and their relationships. These relationships create new forms, experiences and so on.
I love this crazy human behaviour on the planet. I am fascinated by people, which by the way are one of the very finest forms of artwork, with all of our daily acts. I am very interested in what people think about art. What art do people even want to interact with? Art meaning is changing with people’s evolutionary change and pursuits. It’s Communication -Interaction-Concentration- Interpretation. I love the art of Questioning because I find it with the same level as Comedy. Plus the quest for questioning is the root to learning.
Consciousness Now. The thing is the magnificent human figure will always be the key to art, because it is the thing that makes it and perceives it. I love the human figure and all that can come off of the human figure in art. To be able to take people into the infinite and to have sensations or experiences that they have never had before I am all there. Playing with advancing science and creating focal points to stick new experiences, aesthetics and meaning on, I am with too.
To be honest. I think we are all in love with being captured by fantasies and letting our imaginations free of mental authority. To play on with this private language, the rituals, higher consciousness, keeping the art alive and personally just living in this out of control comedy. Open minded radical art is in my eyes. It's a performance inside a performance, inside another performance.